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Guide to Settings

A lot of configuration for your GeoBlacklight instance will be handled in the settings.yml file.

Keep in mind, GeoBlacklight has reasonable defaults for all settings, so you do not need to change anything in order to get up and running. That said, you will eventually need to change something. Below is an annotated list of all variables in the settings file.

If you are developing a custom application, look for config/settings.yml. If you are working on the core GeoBlacklight codebase, the file is lib/generators/geoblacklight/templates/settings.yml.


Settings are implemented with the config gem, and are available as properties of the Settings object throughout the application.


URL for logo image to be used in generated Carto OneClick links.

Optional integration with Carto OneClick Service.


Used to view layers directly in ArcGIS online. More information in the ArcGIS Online documentation.


Local path used for temporary storage of generated download files.


The SOLR Boost Query value for spatial search matches within a bounding box.


The SOLR Boost Functions value for overlap ratio.


Leave null to default to entire world, or add a stringified GeoJSON object to scope initial render of the map on the homepage of the application.


Explicit list of whitelisted URL params that can be used within the application, enforced via Rails StrongParameters.


If you are trying to use a new URL param within your app, you will need to register it here. You may see "unpermitted parameters" errors until you update this setting.


All metadata fields are linked with their respective identifiers in the SOLR index in this hash. To learn more about the default GeoBlacklight metadata schema, Aardvark, view the OGM Aardvark specification.


This setting should hold the name of your institution, and can be used to help determine access to restricted records. In some GeoBlacklight implementations, for example, when a restricted record's schema_provider_s field matches Settings.INSTITUTION, authenticated users will be granted full access.


Enables links for various metadata formats in the tool panel for a record if the corresponding URI key is present in that record's dct_references_s field.


(For external Download) timeout and open_timeout parameters for Faraday.


(For WMS inspection) timeout and open_timeout parameters for Faraday.


Use the Geometry Type value from a record to determine what icon to use for its data relations.


This setting is only applicable for GBL 1.0 metadata and is not compatible with OGM Aardvark.


A list of web services that will be available for a record, if that record has a corresponding URI key in its dct_references_s field.

For example, if a record's references include a wms entry, and WEBSERVICES_SHOWN includes wms (as it does by default), a preview map will appear in the tool panel showing the WMS layer.

Supported web services:

  - 'wms'
  - 'tms'
  - 'wfs'
  - 'xyz'
  - 'wmts'
  - 'tilejson'
  - 'iiif'
  - 'feature_layer'
  - 'tiled_map_layer'
  - 'dynamic_map_layer'
  - 'image_map_layer'


Configuration for special rendering of gbl_displayNote_sm field values. Default note types are danger, info, tip, and warning.

You can add your own display note configuration as well. Each entry must have the follow properties:

Name of Bootstrap alert class to use for the note's container
Name of GeoBlacklight SVG icon to display with note
String that will be used at the beginning of a gbl_displayNote_sm entry to trigger this particular rendering.

For example, the "info" note is configured like this:

    bootstrap_alert_class: alert-info
    icon: circle-info-solid
    note_prefix: "Info: "


Display Notes will appear in GeoBlacklight in a similar manner to this admonition box.


GeoBlacklight supports many different types of relations between records. Configuration for how these are displayed is stored here. Each relationship defined must have the following properties:

The SOLR field that the query is performed against
The type of query sent to SOLR
GeoBlacklight icon to use for matched records
Label from the locale string translations file
The inverse relationship to this one, used to generate bidirectional linkages

For example, the MEMBER_OF_ANCESTORS relationship would be defined like so (note that the MEMBER_OF_DESCENDANTS relationship would also need to be defined as it is referenced in the inverse property):

    field: pcdm_memberOf_sm
    icon: parent-item
    label: geoblacklight.relations.member_of_ancestors
    query_type: ancestors


These parameters are appended to all WMS endpoints that your records contain. If you always want to be requesting VERSION=1.3.0 services, for example, you would update that here.

Default values:

  :VERSION: '1.1.1'
  :REQUEST: 'GetFeatureInfo'
  :STYLES: ''
  :SRS: 'EPSG:4326'
  :EXCEPTIONS: 'application/json'
  :INFO_FORMAT: 'text/html'


GeoBlacklight uses Leaflet to power its web map interfaces. This setting contains many default configuration values for how these maps appear and behave.

A few common customizations of GeoBlacklight involve updates to this setting:


Labels shown in the popover for various viewer protocols, to provide more context for users. The values here must reference entries in the locale translation string file.

Show a sidebar static map for items with the listed viewer protocols.

Default values:

  - 'iiif'
  - 'iiif_manifest'