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SVG Icons


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Add new SVGs to GeoBlacklight or your local GBL application:

  1. Add your new or replacement SVG icon into the /app/assets/images/blacklight directory
  2. Add an :en I18n translation entry for the SVG icon in /config/locales/geoblacklight.en.yml, following this pattern:
          arrow-circle-down: Arrow within a circle, pointing down
          baruch-cuny: Baruch College
          berkeley: University of California, Berkeley
          your-new-icon-filename-without-the-extension: Your new icon description

Render your new SVG icon using the blacklight_icon helper like so:

<%= blacklight_icon('icon-filename') %>

SVG Icon Maintenance

The stock GeoBlacklight SVG icons come from institutional partners and Font Awesome. The IcoMoon App was used to generate a working project board of icons.

To view the IcoMoon project board:

  1. Visit
  2. Drag and drop the geoblacklight-icons.json file onto the page

Now you'll see all icons in the project. You can add additional icons, change the default color value, or export to other formats here, ex. PNGs.

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